Delta Area Community Foundation

Twenty years ago, Delta Area Community Foundation had a dream of “becoming the most recognized philanthropic foundation in our area recognizing vision, leadership and inclusion of all people.” The dream continues with the local leadership! Delta Area Community Foundation is committed to educational enhancement, addressing poverty challenges and community development. We do this by engaging people, connecting resources and inspiring solutions to build a better community.

A BIG THANK YOU to our generous donors. Because of you we have 50 funds addressing needs in the Desha and Lincoln county area including history, arts, children in need, education, community development, poverty, scholarship and other charitable causes.

Our Giving Tree grant cycle is July 10 through Aug. 15 and our scholarships cycle is Feb. 1 through March 15.

Local Giving Tree Grants Support Nonprofits Working in and for Delta Area

The most recent Delta Area Giving Tree grants include:

Boys & Girls Club of McGehee
Daughters of Charity Services of Arkansas
Desha County Museum
Desha Hometown Health Improvement Project
Dumas Food Pantry
Lend A Hand of Lincoln Co, Inc Food Pantry
Main Street Dumas
Mission Choices
Mitchellville Self Improvement Program
Southeast Arkansas Imagination Library
Vera Lloyd Presbyterian Family Services
Widows Empowering Widows & Reaching Others

Board Members

Linda Austin

Jeri Brewer

Vice President

Carolyne Blissett


Glenda Owen

Rachel Pointer

Calvin Puryear


Claudia Sullivan

Jim Youngblood