By working to attract endowment gifts from individuals/families, business, organizations, even private foundations or charitable trusts, the local Community Foundation serves as the steward of community assets. Meanwhile the dividends, through grants, address community needs and opportunities in perpetuity. Perpetuity is a word that should catch everyone’s attention, creating a permanent source – forever – to address community priorities by making grants to supports charitable programs that work for the people of Pope County.
In nationwide surveys Arkansans always rank near the top in giving. We feel comfortable in saying there is no greater opportunity to give than through an endowment that will benefit your specific interest or projects with the assurance that your charitable intent will be fulfilled in perpetuity.
The local Board of Directors strives to represent all segments of the county with members not only from the Russellville area, but throughout Pope County. The board is always open to, in fact seeking, those with a heart for giving of their time and talent to assist in creating and fulfilling a program that best improves the lives of our residents.