There’s More to Giving Than Cash

How and what you give depends on what you hope to accomplish with your donation. Arkansas Community Foundation staff, in partnership with your professional advisor, can help you consider the different advantages of giving.

What You Can Give* Advantage
CashCash gifts allow individual donors to claim a current tax deduction of up to 60% of adjusted gross income. 
Publicly Traded SecuritiesGifts of publicly traded securities and mutual fund shares qualify donors for an immediate charitable deduction of the full fair market value (average high/low on date of gift) and an exemption from capital gains tax on the appreciation.
Life Insurance Gifts of life insurance can be made now or can be deferred. By donating a policy directly, you can qualify for deductions on future premium payments.
Retirement Assets Charitable contributions of retirement plan assets allow you to reduce or eliminate income and some taxes while simultaneously providing for the causes you support.
Real EstateDonating commercial or residential real estate entitles the owner to a tax deduction for the property’s full fair appraised market value while also avoiding capital gains tax.
Timber or CropsGifts of timber or crops are also eligible for different types of tax savings.
Charitable Gift Annuities / Life Insurance Gifts

* We recommend contacting your professional advisor to discuss which asset would be best for you to give.