Professional Advisors

Help Your Clients Give Smart

You understand your clients’ charitable goals. We understand smart giving. Arkansas Community Foundation can provide you with tools and resources to make the philanthropic process simple, flexible and efficient for your clients. Partnering with the Community Foundation, you stay in control of your client relationships while we provide the resources and expertise to help you give your clients charitable giving pathways to match their needs.

Resources for Professional Advisors

Professional staff at the Community Foundation ensure your clients achieve the greatest impact in their giving. Our tax friendly practices mean your clients get the maximum tax benefits possible.

Learn About the Benefits Attorney Jennifer Pierce Receives from the Community Foundation

What to Give

The Community Foundation is equipped to accept many different types of gifts and donations of complex, non-cash assets such as real estate, closely held stock and art. We can work with you to maximize your clients’ gifts through the use of the most tax-wise assets.

What to Give

Contact Development Staff to Learn More

Lindsey Simmons

Planned Giving Director
